NetNeutrals EU may refuse to assist with a dispute in the event that the consumer has not attempted to contact the airline/airport regarding the complaint. Other reasons include, the dispute is frivolous or vexatious, the dispute is being or has been previously considered by another certified ADR provider or by a court, the value falls below a reasonable monetary threshold (as determined by the airline/airport and NetNeutrals EU when the service agreement is set up), or the consumer has not submitted a complaint within the specified period of time (as determined by the airliner/airport and NetNeutrals EU when the service agreement is set up - not less than 12 months from the date the consumer and airline/airport were unable to reach a satisfactory resolution to the initial complaint). Additionally, NetNeutrals EU would refuse a case that would seriously impair the effective operation of the ADR process. This would include claims that would monopolise NetNeutrals EU resources, be in direct conflict with NetNeutrals EU programme rules, or be considered a conflict of interest (in which impartiality would be in question). NetNeutrals EU reserves the right to reject a dispute at any time in the process should it come to light that a party deliberately misled the programme.
Both parties are informed immediately following the initial eligibility review if a dispute is rejected as ineligible. Written notice is sent by the method the request was made (either electronically or by post). Eligibility reviews are done within the first two days of receiving a claim. Therefore, notification of ineligibility will be sent within one week.